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FAB:online training for HEIs staff


About This Course

The 'FAB: ONLINE TRAINING FOR HEIS STAFF'  is part of the  Capacity Building Training Workshop of the Erasmus+ CBHE project “Master’s programme in Family Business Management (FAB) that took place in June 2022 in Cambodia and in the Philippines.

It summarizes all topics and presentations that were shared among project partners, and it is a useful tool for those who did not attend the workshop but are interested in finding out more about the subject.

The online course is addressed to professors, academics, staff members, and administrative staff of Higher Education Institutions from the Philippines, Malaysia, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Cambodia and focuses on the following topics:

- The theoretical background & Practical examples on : Family & Family Businesses, Family Business Strategy, Generation Transfer 

- Teaching & Learning methodologies and Tools

-Grounds of Family Business & Industrial placement


The course has no specific prerequisites.

Course Staff

Dr. Ioannis Kinias

Ioannis Kinias is an Assistant Professor of Business Policy and the Director of the Research Laboratory of “Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovative Education (M.E.I.E. Lab.)”, in the Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean. He graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2002), holds a Master’s degree (MSc) in Engineering Management from the Brunel University (UK) (2004) and a Ph.D. in Business Strategy from the Department of Business Administration in the University of the Aegean (2012). He has also completed a Post-doctoral research (Post Doc) in Business Policy, in the Department of Business Administration, in the University of the Aegean, as a Research Fellow of the State Scholarships Foundation (2013-2015). He has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate level in the University of Central Greece (2013) as well as in the University of the Aegean (2013- now). His research interests focus on the fields of Entrepreneurship, Family Business and Business Strategy and his manuscripts in these fields have been published in academic journals and presented in international conferences.

Dr Ioanna Papasolomou

Dr Ioanna Papasolomou is a Professor of the Department of Management (School of Business Administration) at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. She is a Certified Chartered Marketer of the UK Chartered Institute of Marketing. Professor Papasolomou obtained her MBA, MPhil, and PhD from the University of Keele (United Kingdom). She has acted as a conference host for international conferences and contributed papers to academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing Management, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Marketing Communications. She has written chapters and case studies for academic books. She is also a member of the editorial or reviewer boards for several academic journals e.g., the Journal of Marketing Communications, International Journal of Corporate Communications, the International Journal of Social Responsibility, and the Euro Mediterranean Journal in Business.

Alkis Thrassou, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Eng.

Alkis Thrassou is a Professor at the University of Nicosia (Cyprus, EU) and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Leeds (UK). He is the Director of Gnosis Mediterranean Institute for Management Science, the Chief Editor of Palgrave Intersections of Business and the Sciences, the Managing Editor of Palgrave Studies in Cross-disciplinary Business Research, an Associate Editor of EuroMed Journal of Business, and a Senior Research Fellow of the EuroMed Academy of Business. He has edited and published in numerous internationally esteemed scientific journals and books, and his works have been cited by thousands of scientific publications. He further retains strong ties with industry, acting also as a consultant, and holding the prominent professional qualifications of Chartered Marketer (FCIM), Chartered Construction Manager (FCIOB) and Chartered Management Consultancy Surveyor (MRICS).

Athanasios S. Dermetzopoulos

Athanasios S. Dermetzopoulos is the Programme Leader of the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of Tourism Management and Hospitality, and Head of the internship programmme, in Metropolitan College, Thessaloniki, Greece. He has worked in top public and private Higher Education Institutions, in Greece, Europe, Asia and Central America. At the same time, he is a consultant for companies providing specialized tourist services in the fields of marketing, organising, communication and human resources.

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