Thinley Choden
Faculty of Accounting
This professional certificate course will equip learners associated with or interested in family-owned businesses with knowledge and skills for effectively managing family business and property. The learners will be trained in creating knowledge workforce and motivating employees for better retention. Additionally, the course will help learners seeking to acquire strategies for negotiating and avoiding conflicts in family business, leadership skills to cope with uncertain conditions in the market, developing single-family property management system, and leveraging technology for better efficiency and sustainability of family businesses.
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
No requirments needed
Faculty of Accounting
Faculty of ICT
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We hope that this guide helps you with your transition to online learning. The guide answers common questions about topics like getting started in an online course, earning certificates, participating in course discussions, and completing some of the exercises you may see in your course. https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/open-edx-learner-guide/en/latest/SFD_introduction.html
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