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Managing Family Business Growth


A key challenge for family businesses in Nepal is developing their capacity to scale up and managing business growth. Hence, the course aims to provide conceptual and practical knowledge and develop skills and competence required for managing growth of family business firms. This 6 weeks’ vocational education and training course is designed for family business owners, next generation of family business leaders, and managerial level employees of family business. The course will also appeal to those who are interested in starting up their own business, as well as those interacting with small firms and family businesses as advisors, managers and policy-makers. Topics include family business characteristics and significance, developing a business plan, planning for growth and continuity, choice of organizational structure and implications, dynamics of family interactions, conflict resolution in family firms, preparing the next generation for entry into and management of family firms, succession strategies, professionalization, sales and promotion, financial analysis and planning, and human resource management. The course also focuses on strategic planning including different type of strategic choices for family business growth, innovation and internationalization.


About This Course

Course Learning Outcomes (LOs)

 By the end of this course, students should be able to:

LO1: develop understanding of knowledge, skills and attitudes required for entrepreneurship within a family business;

LO2: apply management concepts and frameworks for solving family business problems and strengthening family business performance;

LO3: develop capacity for planning and managing growth of family businesses;

LO4: apply business strategies, tools and models to lead and orchestrate the family business;

LO5: enhance skills for marketing and promotion, and financial planning for growth of family business;LO6: evaluate the progress of family business firm and make appropriate and timely adjustments to the business operations and strategy.


The eligibility for the course are:

i. The candidates should have minimum of SEE or equivalent.

ii. Should be a member of family business or those interested in family business management. 

iii. Should have basic computer literacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What web browser should I use?

The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari. It is recommended to tap the Request Desktop Website in the Safari Browser only for registration with iPhones

Learner's Guide

We hope that this guide helps you with your transition to online learning. The guide answers common questions about topics like getting started in an online course, earning certificates, participating in course discussions, and completing some of the exercises you may see in your course. https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/open-edx-learner-guide/en/latest/SFD_introduction.html

Technical Support

Contact our support team if you have any technical questions. Email: team@read-lab.eu

Will i receive certification on completion of the course?

Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion on successful completion of all the requirements of the course. The certificate will be issued by Pokhara University.

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Price
